"What are you in the clinic for?" is not an embarrassing question under own conditions. Since our clinic specializes in anal disease, the lack of patients with other ailments means that attention can be concentrated. About 80 percent of surgery cases can be managed with hospitalization for only one night, but with an anal prolapse or an anal fistula, a longer period of one - two weeks, is generally necessary. The patient who visits the clinic for the first time fills in a questionnaire at the time of waiting, and whenever he or she, subsequently attends a personalized magnetic registration card is inserted into the receptionists machine, and a chart is generated automatically allowing shortening of the waiting time.
Since operations are conducted generally under only partial anesthesia, after surgery patients can walk from the operating room and there are almost no cases who complain about pain. Foods can be consumed on the same day and there is time for relaxation and explanation of medications and the operation by video tape. For the patient, it is not an unpleasant experience.
After discharge,clinic visits may be scheduled after one and three-weeks. Those who need long hospitalization are put into a bath every day from the 3rd day after surgery, so that any aches after defecation are minimized.
Since all toilets are fitted with a showers, they are comfortable to use.